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05:03 - 01/12/2022

hi ! welcome to my website. im gonna be posting all my work on here for archival/reference purposes. i might also start to keep a blog but honestly i wouldn't expect much to amount from that.

for now it's gonna be pretty sparse but as i do more stuff hopefully this will be a neat little collection of things, odds & ends, digital ephemera, etc etc.

i don't know who i expect to see this. it's for me, ostensibly. a clump of bytes on a far away hard drive that proves im here.

it's certainly not a portfolio in the traditional sense, i wouldn't have said. for one, i'd be capitalising my letters and spellchecking with an obsessive fervour. is that redundant? idk

in any case, thanks for stopping by. it gets weird writing an intro when you don't know what you're introducing.

now playing: tommy hanks - jakey